Steve Hodos, HOF Inductee 2023

Steve Originally got interested in homebrewing in New York City where he frequented a store called Myland Laboratory where they had wine kits and homebrewing supplies. The first beer Steve ever brewed was a Golden Ale name Golden Rachel after his daughter. Steve joined UNYHA as an original member when the group formed in 1979 the first president was named Gary Bouchard who worked at Kodak developing the Poloroid camera.
There were around 10 people in UNYHA at the beginning and they would meet at the Hofbrauhaus in the City off Lyell Ave near Louie’s cordial lounge. They then had some meetings in Schoen Place Pittsford at a homebrew supply store named Wine Place & Hops ran by Carl Northrup who later also became president.
Steve estimates he has made between 200-300 batches of beer in his homebrewing career. The best beer he made was a beer called Fin McKool. It was a beer made with rye that had a split fermentation and was blended back together. His worst beer being an American Amber that had ALL OF THE FAULTS in it. A true BJCP training specimen.
Speaking of which Steve ran BJCP training sessions at his house tasting a variety of styles of beer. This branched out beyond our borders, despite being an American Steve was the Canadian Amateur Brewers Association president for multiple years. That was not the only thing going on at the Hodos’ household in those days. Steve used to hold some of the American Homebrewers Association National Homebrew competition regional qualifiers at his house with judges coming from all over the region and Canada.
Although Steve only entered a few competitions he really enjoyed judging them including doing many UNYHA Best of Show rounds. Steve has the lowest BJCP number of anyone I know. His BJCP ID # is E0037 with only 36 people in the Eastern region becoming a certified judge before him. Steve has paved the way for many others to follow in his footsteps.
Steve’s favorite beer was Ballantyne IPA or some of the Ballantyne Special release beers that were specially made for customers. If he could brew with anyone it would be Ballantyne in the pre-world war 2 days or Anchor Steam Brewing in the early years.
Steve once met the famous beer writer Michael Jackson at an event he was speaking at and even stayed at the same house of a common friend for the night.
Steve has many Rochester Beer first’s to his name. Steve bought the first round of beers at the original Rohrbach’s on Buffalo Road in Gates/ Chili. He also bought the very first beer at the now closed but legendary beer bar Tap and Mallet. Steve was also the very first customer at Aj’s beer warehouse.
Steve has served as President of UNYHA on 12 different occasions, has filled every position on the board at least twice. When no one would do it or was reluctant Steve stepped up to the plate never hesitating to keep the club moving in a positive direction.